Saturday, 28 October 2017

How to Use Long-Tailed Keywords to Build Rank for Short-Tailed Keywords

In current scenario of SEO, some of the people may suggest you to give up chasing rankings for competitive keywords and to focus only the phrases and long-tailed keywords. However, the matter of fact is that the competitive keywords are still ‘competitive’ enough to considered important ranking resources.

But it remains the fact that short-tailed and competitive keywords are not very easy to follow. Even the high-authority websites sometimes find it difficult to rank against the competitive keywords. Therefore, experts usually recommend going for the low hanging fruit, i.e. the long tailed keywords.

It can undoubtedly be an advantage to get those low hanging fruits but this advantage shouldn’t be at the cost of those competitive keywords which have proven ability to drive traffic to the website. As a matter of fact, these low hanging fruits can actually make it easier to rank for the competitive keywords. It’s just about following the right approach.

Very few searches are actually unique
While you may be able to create a unique set of string, it’s almost impossible to declare it unique from logical point of view unless you are entering something which doesn’t have a meaning at all. It’s worth mentioning here the statement by Google which says that 15 percent of all the searches made every day are unique. But, it’s almost impossible for you to enter something with a logic which hasn’t been at the backend of any other search term used before.

It simply means that user intent is something which can be targeted in the long tailed keywords to make a page ranking for the competitive keywords as well.

Topic optimization
When you search a topic, you will be able to uncover several keywords associated with that topic. When you look at that list, you will be able to figure it out quickly that it’s impossible to rank your topic for every keyword. As a matter of fact, it’s not logical either.

Here, you can do a little grouping of the keywords. Each group is going to represent intent. Now, you will be able to target that intent instead of going for every single keyword. In fact, it would be pretty much easier for you to target all the keywords of a given intent which in sync with your website’s category.

Don’t strike short tailed keywords off
People may tell you to stop going for the short tailed keywords because they are difficult due to high competition, you need to consider the fact that it’s the short tailed keywords which are going to bring the traffic in. but, you don’t have to work on short-tailed keywords exclusively as you can target these keywords within the long tailed keywords. Work on the logical association between both types, and bingo! Your marketing strategy is surely going to get a boost from it. Nevertheless, keep in mind that you will have to have patience during the process.

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